Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's late night here... well, as I look at the clock, I realize it's actually early morning. Thanksgiving dinner is just a few short hours away. This year I'm preparing all the traditional holiday dishes, such as turkey, ham, potatoes, gravy, candied yams, dressing, cranberry sauce, etc... I'm not even working toward a healthy menu this time around.

However, tonight I made a decision. I'm going to lose this excess weight. I'm not going to over eat tomorrow. I can sit down to the table tomorrow and decide to eat healthy and after my meal, I can go on a walk with my daughter in law. Or I can pig out and at the end of the day... feel like a pig.

I'm going to eat healthy, but without any guilt.

As soon as this holiday is over, I'm going to seek out some books to read. I'll probably read Dr. Oz's book, You, The Owner's Manual and I might even read Dr. Phil's book about diet. I don't know the name of it, but I'm going to find it, and read it.

I'm tired of feeling fat and lazy. This is it. I'm going to start my physical fitness and healthy diet plan tomorrow. It's a big decision. Maybe it's not the best decision... starting a new healthy living program on one of the biggest holiday weekends, but I'm doing it anyway.

I am committed to this. Hear me now. Later you can watch me shrink and get healthy.

Here's to a Happy Thanksgiving!